Thursday, September 20, 2007

Us vs. Them

I watch Football. I understand that in sports, someone wins and someone loses. Hopefully my team wins, and the other team loses. But even if my team is not the winner, I can recognize the sprirt of a good game. And when we all go to bed that night, I am securing in knowing that it is all just a game.
So when did the world go crazy and demand everything be win or lose? Why is everything becoming a "you are with me or against me" attitude? Us vs. them? It's all or nothing? Are we all just a bunch of stereotypes?
If you put your kid in day care, you aren't willing to sacrifice for them
If you keep your kids at home, you're to protective and not willing to let them grow.
If you bottle feed babies, you don't care about their health.
If you breast feed you are a self-martyr who clings to her baby selfishly.
If you follow one religon, you have no business reasearching another.
If you are registered Democrat, you may not check out Republican candidates.
If you are a registered Republican, you may not check out Democratic candidates.
If you are neither Democrat or Republican, don't vote.
If you live in the city, you are a resource hog, demanding services 24/7 and out of touch with nature.
If you live in a small city, you are a bumpkin out of touch with the "real world".
Do you eat organically? Hippie
Do you eat what's put in front of you without asking where it came from? You don't care about the planet.
Buy at wal-mart? You support slave labor.
Listen to country music? You support gun rights.
Don't even get me started on immirgration. You just bring up the word, don't state a thought either way, and people call you a racist.
Lesbians work in social services.
People under 18 are unappreciatitve.
People over 40 are out of touch.
People over 60 don't care.
People over 80 have dementia.
Do you see where I am going with this. We get painted with a brush and that is it. We all follow patterns. In the summer I wear sandals and in the winter jeans. So do many others. I read, therefore I tend to hang out with others who read. I don't lead a life of crime, therefore my friends tend to be pretty straight-laced. But I also recognize that as much as I "chill" with people like me, no one is a carbon copy, and I resent that I am suppose to ignore, or at worst hate, others who are different. I resent the fact that I would be labeled as a suburbanite mom who must only care about diapers, playdates, and Elmo. That I have to join the battle on who's raising their kids "the right way", and as a woman, I will vote Hilary Clinton. As a "White" person, I am not suppose to know anything about minority rights, but as a Jew I am suppose to know about suffering.
I think we are raising the next generation to be confused. To fear what they don't know, and ignore what scares them. It is a dangerous situation. I hope that when Asa is old enough to express his feelings, he talks about how proud he is of his heritage, as a Jewish Man with European heritage from both his parents, and as an American. I also hope I teach him how honored we are to experience the pride of other cultures, other ideas, and other nations. I hope that I teach my son that it is not him against the world, but him with world.


Erin said...

I'm so late in the game finding your blog that I should be kicked out of our generation.

Love it! Glad to be able to read what you're up to.

Aaron and Matt are out to Oregon in a couple of weeks; I'm going to try to get out there in the next six months even if it's just me (which frankly sounds divine, I truly adore my mother in law). If I make it out, we'll have to try and meet up.

take care...I've subscribed to you so I can keep up :-)

T-girl said...

I hear you twisted sister! Don't get me started on this. I just had a conversation with someone about racism and some of the stupid assinine things that have been said to me in regards to the hubby... did you know he is not really of Mexican heritage because he is so tall and speaks English so well? LOL Also, I am so absofuckinglutly SICK of hearing about how women are voting for Hillary! WTF? I actually had someone ask me who I was voting for the other day... uh, I am not sure yet and how rude is that question anyways?... When I preversly said "John Kerry" (ROTFL) they were not only confused "is he running?" I then got a lecture about how as a women I should be voting for Hillary! I was like "are you shitting me? You are voting for someone based on their SEX?" I hate to say this but I wish people like this were not allowed to vote. I don't give a shit who you vote for but at least be informed about the damn canidate besides the fact they have a penis or not! LOL

AMJ said...

Dena, I really agree with you on all this and if you think it is bad in America you ought to see what is like here. You can't move into a neighborhood with out being locked in a box. Too religious, not religious enough, pro-west bank, pro 1967 borders, on and on........What happened to independant thinking! G-d forbid people should have an independant thought that does not conform with a standard set of ideas! T-girl, I am sure you have a lot of stories about your husband. One of my best girl friends is married to a man of chinese decent and they have some real stories too! When are people going to crawl out from under their rocks and realize that it is OK to go outside the line!

Katie said...

OH MY Gosh!!! I am totally with you on these sentiments!! I completely understand what you are latest "us vs. them" is the soccer moms from my son's team. I will be having as nice as pie conversations with them, and then they ask, "What teacher does Ethan have this year?" and I say, "Oh, me! I homeschool him." I get the "ooooohhhh, huh!" and then the conversation has dropped. That has happened 3 times so far, in less than a month. They don't sit near me or talk to me now...why is that? Am I now, too religious, too hippie, too fanatical, too judgemental...??? We put people in a box and say, "I don't understand them." and walk away. I'm tired of being put in a box, but I don't think all I stand for could be put on one bumper sticker, or a I just hope that they ask me "why?" or "what made you decide on that?" Without assuming the reasons and deciding they won't get along with me now.