Friday, December 12, 2008

A Man's World/Boy's Life

Some disclaimers:
If you are religious, skip this blog.
Even though I get frustrated, I still love my family.

I am living in a man's world. After 8 years of marriage, and now 2 boys to boot, I see more pee-pee than I ever thought I would. So this morning, getting ready for work, I say to husband that he is on kid patrol so I can take a shower without worrying that Asa has accidentally smothered Noah. Shower ends, Noah is crying, I say to husband that Noah wants to sit up. I am a genius. Oh, and both kids are still in jammies. Okay, husband just worked 12 hours so I will cut him some slack. Phone rings, husband says to me "take the baby". Hello-I have no pants on, I am shooing kid that can walk out of the bathroom counter, and I still have two kids to dress even though I am running late. You can't talk on the phone and hold a baby?!?!?!
So on the way to work I am merrily singing along with Christmas Carols, because 10 minutes in the car alone feels like I won the lottery, and the lines are something along the lines that Jesus is King and he is God's Gift to the world. (Can't remember the song, so don't ask.) Can I point out the obvious-Jesus was a man. All men think they are God's Gift to this world AND expect the royal treatment at any given time. Why should Jesus be any flippin' different?!?! Don't mis-understand me. Any time they are talking about you 2,000 years later, you must have been a nice guy but I am sure if he were here today he would say "hey hon, can you hold the baby while I look at this camel? I need to be treated like God's Gift to the world."

1 comment:

AMJ said...

This is soooooooo true! I love the last line. When do we get to be Queens!?

So glad i popped into your blog tonight!