Thursday, May 07, 2009

And It's Official...

Well, this flu thing seemed to drag on and on and on and get the story. So we had a field trip at the doctor's office...oh boy. I have my very first sinus infection. I feel so lucky. So the cold went into the flu, that morphed into a sinus infection. I am a mutant.
Again though, a silver lining.
I have been so congested that when my sons poop (and they do), I can't smell it. That is a nice change.
I have also lost 5 pounds. Probably not just in the last week-I haven't forsaken food that much. But it is nice to know that my efforts to lose the baby fat are slowly coming along.
The sad thing is that even with additional cost of drugs, being sick is still pretty cheap as far as entertainment goes. Although I haven't had much fun this week so maybe entertainment isn't quite the word...

1 comment:

Aaron said...

Sure its not the H1N1 virus?