Monday, May 04, 2009

Cheap Entertainment Part IX

Well, I have just spent the last four days sick with the flu. I honestly don't know if it was swine, bird, or even slug, because I got lucky in that it was just a mild case. I get achy skin, I had a low-grade fever, and my nose ran like a champ agrravating my throat and ears, but I never threw up or had a high fever. I did however pass it on to the kids. Another stroke of luck-they were not as sick as I was but kids have such a low tolerance for anything when they don't freel good. Asa would look at Noah cross-eyed and the tears would start; from both of them. Ugh.
But there were a few silver linings this weekend. One, because I lost my appetite, I am pretty confident I can get into the dress I want to for a wedding reception I am going to in a few weeks. Two, I saw a few movies since I was on the couch.
Three, being sick is about the cheapest form of entertainment out there. Not only do you NOT feel like going anywhere, but laying on your bed in peace and quiet, ALL ALONE, becomes super fun. When Nick said he would watch the kids, I got giddy as I shut the bedroom door and flopped down on the bed. Not only did I not spend ANY MONEY, because of my fever I kept the heat way down despite the cool weather, I didn't do any chores so no toxic fumes (green cleaning is my next goal after gardening), I kept a lot of lights off because the glare hurt my eyes, AND I didn't shower so no water usage. Our carbon footprint was way low these past few days. Okay, no close contact with any humans either but no one wanted to be near me anyway. Hacking and having snot run down your face is soooooo unromantic.
Now, this may have been the cheapest form of entertainment I have run across, but it certainly wasn't the most fun, so I wouldn't recommend it. However, it fit the bill-it was a very inexpensive weekend at our house. Plus, the things I didn't do over the weekend, like laundry and dishes, are greeting me now so the cheap entertainment continues. I am not bored.

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