Monday, June 15, 2009

Follow The Trail

So, this morning, I have to admit, I took a nap-right after I got out of bed. It is amazing what kids teach you: lesson number one is that you can sleep anywhere and I did. God Bless Nick-he came home from work and let me sleep. My sore throat feels 100% better.
Have I mentioned before that Asa is in the midst of potty training?
Every parent has stories; this is ours.
Asa has been doing fairly good at going potty. Of course we bribe him with candy but that is by far cheaper than diapers and we discovered he doesn't like the feel of wet clothes. Score one for us.
However, like many 3 1/2 year olds, Asa wants to be very independent. So this morning, he went poop in the potty. This is a joyous occasion and he got very excited. (Please remember, I am sharing all this second hand-I was napping during this event.) So he wiped, did badly, got poop on his hand. But he is still joyous, so he went into mommy and daddy's room to jump for joy on our bed. Get's poop on our bed. Goes to his room to be a good boy and get his underwear on. Got poop on the floor and his bed. By the time daddy get's to him, it is like Mr. Hankie the Christmas Poo had a festival in our house. (For those of you who don't know, Mr. Hankie is a character from "South Park" and he is a lump of poo that sings. It's as gross as it sounds.)
I know what Nick wanted to do, and to his credit, he didn't do it. How do I know? Not once did I hear any crying. I awoke to "next time tell mommy or daddy, okay?" , over and over and over again, and a ton of laundry for me to do.
Remembered when I blogged that all mom's have a hobby? Maybe my son was thinking of me when he created all this laundry for me to do tonight.

1 comment:

AMJ said...

Oh Dena, thanks for the laugh, right down to the visual of Mr. Hankie! That is a Reader's Digest or Parents Magazine moment if ever I read one.

Have fun with the laundry!