Wednesday, June 10, 2009

New Territory

I am sure I am going to bungle this and not say it right, but in a way I am just speechless. An 88 year old man, yes 88 year old man, raged into the National Holocaust Musuem in Washington, D.C. and shouting hateful things, killed a security guard and injured two others.
Someone once said to me that the United States should just declare itself a Christian nation since all it's citizens basically were Christians anyway. When I said that I wasn't a Christian, and said I was Jewish, I was told I was close enough to Christianity anyway. (It was at MHCC Alina as college students-frizzy bunny tail head girl-remember her?)
Incidents such as this remind me that not only am I not a Christian but that the one thing this awful man and I have in common, is that we both think I am not even close to being a Christian. And when I tell people I have mixed feelings about seeing The Cross, this would be why. The people behind The Cross have brought us hospitals, schools, and homes for the elderly. People have been fed, clothed, and taken care of by believers of The Cross. But people have also been killed, maimed, and beaten in the name of The Cross. The Cross has been held up as a reason to uphold slavery, racial injustice, and sexism.
And when you ask me if I ever feel like I have something in common with other minorities, I will answer yes. My skin may be white (or a nice golden brown in the summer) and I may blend in with a crowd, but as long as people want to hurt me or my sons simply because we are "different", we stand in the minority crowd.
I know I am just one little blog but I will tell anyone who will listen-different religions are God's gift to us, his children, so that we may all have a place in His life. Just any parent will tell you that each of their children is different, so God knows that each of us is different and provides us with different ways to communicate with him. There is no right religion, there is no wrong religion. ALL MAJOR, HOLY BOOKS ESPOUSE PEACE AND LOVE AND DENOUNCE HATRED AND KILLING. Only the people who "interpret" these books seem to fnd the passages that say something different.
I have to admit, I am angry. 88 years old-give it up dude.

1 comment:

Katie said...

I don't blame you - that is just absolutely terrible. It makes me just so angry, too.