Thursday, July 23, 2009

Racist Me

I privately debated whether I should write this or not, and decided I needed this conversation out of my head. But reader beware. I believe this is one of the MOST racist things I have ever thought, or publicly said.
President Obama is tackling health care. I for one, cannot be more happy that he is attempting this. I don't know whether he will succeed or not, and I have already blogged previously that not only am I unhappy with how the current system runs, but also that I don't know how to fix it. And regardless of the outcome, Obama will be given credit as being the first modern President to try something; the first baby steps if you will.
In the past nothing was really done, and why, do you ask? Because as soon as a competent leader, Presidential or otherwise, suggests ANYTHING, the biggest voting bloc this nation has pitches a fit. That would be white, middle class-particularly male. A newspaper article I read this past week confirmed that the Baby Boomers, despite their age, are currently (although not indefinitely) the biggest voting bloc this nation has. Ironcially enough, another article I read discussed the fact that African-Americans registerd, and voted, at new levels to get Obama into office. And the continued irony is, this is also one of the groups that has less access to health care than say, white, middle-class, Americans.
So where am I going with this? Obama doesn't need to worry about the white, Baby Boomer vote like previous Presidents, THANK GOD!! The people that voted him in (ie. Blacks, those like me who are under 50 and looking down the barrel of escalating health care costs) WANT health care change and Obama knows that. Finally, someone who won't back down on this issue!!!! Trully, I am thanking God and not taking his name in vain. I hope the plan works, but even if it doesn't, it is nice knowing that at least we have a President in touch with what the public wants domestically. What a change from the previous 8 years when no one in Washington D.C. seemed to give a crap what happened on American Soil.

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