Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What Did I Miss?

The latest thing making the rounds on the internet and the op-ed pages of the newspaper is that we should all be scared. Apparently Obama is leading us down the path of socialism and we will not only end up losing our rights, AND have to pay through the nose for it. We should all be scared. Really scared.
Under the last administration we attacked countries that possibly have nuclear power, and hate the USA to boot. That scared me.
Under the last administration, the deficiet grew to astronomical numbers, and no benefit to anyone as far as I can tell. That scared me.
The current president hasn't been there a year and yet the problems of health care, unemployment, and the melt down of the banking business/mortgage industry go back prior last January.
Don't worry, I am scared but not because of the direction we are headed too. I got scared by the direction we were led 8 years ago.


Aaron said...

You didn't really miss much. I accidentally watched Faux News the other day at the airport after having been in China for 2 weeks, and was amazed at just how much of this current thing is manufactured by a constant stream of "outrage" commercials and talk show hosts.

This outrage was bought and paid for by the Health Insurance, Pop and Soda, and People for the Protection of Batshit Crazies lobbies.

Dena said...

Forgot about the Batshit Crazies Aaron-thanks for the reminder.:) They must be related to the "I Am So Offended I Will Quit Voting And Buy A Gun" group!

The Girl Next Door said...

"Bat-shit crazies lobbiest" I am stealing that! LOL Yeah, don't get me started on this one, I love that I did that paper on the subject. I am getting great joy out of quoting numbers to people on the subject when they are quoting the latest TV ad full of bullshit propganda on the subject.It makes me smile when they go "oh, really?" Yep, it's cheaper actually and this is why... LMAO It gets them everytime. I personally am amazed by the fact that people are unaware of WHY we need this, I like to also use the quote "45 million americans without insurance before the recession and another 25 inadequatly covered... we are the only industrialized nation with out a universal healthcare policy and in fact most 3rd world countries have one! Isn't a shame that the richest country in the worlds citizens have to sell their homes so they can get cancer treatment?" No one seems to know how to respond to that! LOL