Monday, November 09, 2009

Dr. Laura Amendment

Dear Dr. Laura:

I finished your whole book, and I as much as it galls me, I have to admit that I aactually agree'd with you on a few things.
1. I would agree that spanking is not neccesarily child abuse. Granted, it can become child abuse, but a swat on the butt, that DOESN'T leave a mark, is not going to cause irrepreable harm to a child's psyche. I also agree that it should only be used when needed and not as your only form of punishment.
2. You are right that people shouldn't have kids if they aren't willing to invest the time to raise them, and that some parents need to actually do more parenting.

But day care is not evil, quanity is not more important than quality, and quit ragging on 2-income parents. As fewer and fewer jobs offer health care, how else are parents suppose to get health care for their kids?

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