Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Follow-Up

Won't even excuse myself for not writing recently-this sinus infection has gone on TO LONG!!!
But there was a discussion on Facebook about the Texas State Board of Education approving more conservative textbooks, and honestly Facebook is to small so I thought I would do a blog.
Be forewarned-this is a public space but not quite like Facebook, so I will be expressing my opinion about more forcefully.
Let me throw it out there-PUBLIC SCHOOLS are no place for religious dogma.  Learning about other religions, yes.  A learning institution of any kind is about...learning.  Go figure.  But it is not the place to teach the morality of The Ten Commandments, what you think God did on the Sabbath, or if he created the world in 1 day or 10.  Tell the kids what the Christians think, be sure to let them know what the Jews and Muslims think as well.  Throw in the Hindu's and you have a lesson plan for a whole year.  But in a PUBLIC SCHOOL, it is not your place to determine who is right.
PRIVATE SCHOOL is different.  Hence the title, PRIVATE.  It is the perfect place for religious dogma-or any other dogma for that matter. 
So Texas decide's that the liberal bias has gone on long enough, they want a more conservative opinion expressed, and they have bought re-written textbooks to push this agenda.
So on Facebook, I agree'd that while we have not always written our textbooks without bias, or political gain (think Cold War) at least recently we have tried to correct that and be more fair.  Texas is taking a huge step BACKWARD.
Then Aaron expressed an opinon that we need a national standard.  I had to think about that.  We can't agree on a national health care plan-what kind of agenda can each state push in a textbook?  And do we really want to have to form a consensus with the people in the South who apparently want to make sure their kids are learning according to 1950?  Hey, lets bring back smoking inside and really give kids the advantage.
But after carfeul thought, I have to agree with Aaron-it is time for a national standard.  The biggest point in favor is that bascially, the textbook comapnies make one copy of a textbook-and the largest buyer pretty much dictates what goes in there.  Surprise-Texas is one of the largest purchasers of textbooks.  Sooooo, with no input from anyone else, we all get the textbook the moral police in Texas want.  Market Economy-lovely.
It is true that most people in this country follow some type of Christian background.  And it is easy to say, "what is the big deal?"  But, "most people" IS NOT everyone, and it isn't what this country was founded on.  We have spent over 200 years trying to create a place where everyone is actually welcome, and to non-christian such as myself, it feels like Texas is taking a step back to the days of only the WASP's being actually invited despite what the fine print says.
So, national standard for textbooks and education it is.  I am in favor of it.

1 comment:

seculah_govna said...

i completely and totally agree with you on that issue,and if you're complaining about this in your country just imagine what it is to be living in a muslim country and how they just wanna push this religious teaching to you at young age,in my opinion that kinda mentality is the down fall of religion, because at this early age u'r just creating religion soldiers feeding them slogans ,titles,names, passion ,its fed it not coming from the individual ,and dude muslims have it totally wrong they keep arguing over and over again that islam is NOT propagated by the edge of the sword but by peaceful teachings and a friendly call to our god's grace,and there in as the bard will tell us lies the rub - gotta love movie quotes - coz see if its a friendly and "peaceful" then why dont u just let ppl come to u ,i mean religion shouldnt be something that u'r taught coz it just shuts off all ur brain centers responsible for figuring that part of ur life out,leave the kids ,leave the adults,leave everyone to choose and search and find their own answers, because the idea that the more you "recruit" in your religion team the more god will give u good points is a huge loop hole in the whole system , it contradicts the "peaceful" statement ,coz some ppl just dont need religion in their lives, and if u keep bugging them to score ur self some good point they'r just gonna start throwing fists, and i wish i have that opportunity ,i was fed lies and urban legends as a child and u eat it with a spoon ,and cry at night, pray ,feel ashamed of ur sins, u get lost between balancing ur life and ur religion life - and trust me in islam its such a freakin chor - ... i dont wanna go on and on talking about the same issue,forgive me its frustration ,but these ppl should leave us alone, just coz u think u'r on the right side doesn't give u the right to forcefully feed us religion where u cant help but fall victim for its lies ... over and out..