Thursday, August 16, 2007

Mr. Rogers

Asa and I were watching Mr. Rogers today, again. I love that show for him. Simple crafts, calming voice-invariably one of us falls asleep and today it was me. But am I the only to think that guy always looked old. Obviously when you compare him to 2003, the last year the show had new episodes, to his first season you notice a difference. However, if I were to see him on the street, off the fly, with his 1970's look, I would assume he is old. That is one of the reasons I love the show-the polyester pants, crazy ties, and cardigan sweaters takes me back to being 4 years old. Funny, 30 years later and I still hate the puppets. The king is a condescending jerk and Lady Elaine is a bitch. So much for me being president of the fam club-I think I just lost my fan club membership. Although, I love Mr. Rogers himself and I think the man is practically a saint. Go Mr. Rogers- I am a fan.

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