Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Meaning of Christmas

I am Jewish. I never thought much about it growing up. So I was the only kid, besides my sister, who didn't ride the pale, yellow bus to Sunday School. And I was pretty clueless as to the meaning of Jesus Christ. I thought he was like Queen Elizabeth I or Attila Hun-just another dead, famous person. So no one else knew what Hannukah was- a lot of my friends weren't Girl Scouts either. When you are kid, what is...is, and since you never know different you never assume it could be any other way.
So when we talk about Christmas, I get offensive. In fact, I am pretty confident my sister will read this and cringe. Not only has she heard this lecture before, but she hates it and I think she disagrees with it. But you should know, I am not an expert, nor do I represent the Jewish Community. This is Dena Dictator talking-if I ruled the world, this is how I would rule it.
If I ruled the world, everyone would celebrate Christmas-American Style. I love Christmas. I love the decorations, the smell of fake garland, stockings by the fire (but no chesnuts-yuck), and just about every Christmas song out there. I love giving, and receiving, gifts. And I get pissed at the religions who want to take that away. My particular pet peeve is the Christians who want to put Christ back into Christ-Mas. Hello, he was never there to began with.
Long ago, in Europe, there was a holiday that celebrated the Winter Solistice. After years of fighting with the Christians, the Solistice celebrants had a conversation that I imagine went like this:
Christian: We want you to quit your winter holiday-it is unholy.
Pagan: Dude, no way.
Christian: You are Pagan.
Pagan: Dude, yeah.
Christian: Okay, we have tried for years to get you to quit celebrating the Winter Solistice. How about you celebrate the Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ instead, since you are so damn stubborn.
Pagan: Call it what you want dude, party on.
The Winter Solistice holiday, which pre-dated the Christians, got a new name, a new look, and eventually a new home in the New World, where we morphed it into the juggernaut it is today. The Germans added the tree, Hallmark added wrapping paper, and with a few twists and turns, we got Christmas as only Americans can do it.
I love Christmas in that it has become a holiday that can mean anything to anyone. It is essentially, The Blob. Want a nice, quiet, reflective time for your personal religion? Got it covered. Looking for mass commercialization with no meaning at all? It can be there. Party central with dancing and beverages for all? Boogie woogie all night long. Helping your fellow man and thinking about peace on earth? Donate away.
For me personally, I tend to follow the line of thinking Bill Murray expressed in the movie "Scrooged". Christmas is the one time of year where we really stop and think of our fellow human beings. We care a little bit more, we help out a little bit more, and we make sure that our family knows all this too, because they are fellow human beings as well. Maybe this is adapting the Three Wise Men aspect of the Christian Holiday, but hey, Christmas is The Blob and it is a good idea. I watch the movies, sing the songs, pick out personal gifts for family, wave and smile at Santa Claus, and love the lights on the longest night of the year. Bring it all on.
So what does this have to do with being Jewish? Nothing. Just like Jesus Christ has no meaning for me at Christmas time, Judaism has no meaning in Christmas either. I don't think of Christmas as a religious holiday. So I get upset at the people who want trees out of airports. That want decorations out of the stores. No mention of Christmas in schools-if the holiday isn't celebrated at home the children will get confused and upset. Please-this is America. Everytime I get a Christmas tree, I get jubiliant-like I am sticking it to the Man. Want Christ in Christmas-look at me celebrating the longest day of the year, with my family, as only a crass Jewish, American can. That every Ultra-Conservative Christian who wants to complain about the loss of Christ in a holiday they stole anyway is getting the middle finger from me when I sing a carol about Santa Claus stuffing his fat self down the chimney. Hip hip hooray! If I ruled the world, every Jew would celebrate Christmas becasue it has nothing to do with Jesus Christ anyway. And to add to that, Christmas would be the third Friday of every Decmber so more people could get a three-day weekend out of it. Um, but don't hold your breath on any of this coming true. I am a long, long way from being dictator of the world.


Anonymous said...


You're awesome! I completely agree with you, and maybe I'll even write you in as the next dictator of this currently-very-screwed-up country next year. Keep up the great entries!


Katie said...

HERE HERE!! I TOTALLY and utterly agree with you! In fact, the Pagan tradition during this time of year for the Winter Solstice is called "Yule" and this is where we get the Yule log. They were celebrating the birth of the Sun, the promise that winter would soon be over...that this was indeed the last of the long days of winter, and that the days would become shorter and warmer. It really is veeeeeery interesting how christians have decided that this is also the Birth of the "Son", isn't it...there are lots of articles and probably books out there about the corollations (this word is not spelled right, I'm sure...sorry), but I think it is definitely interesting. I agree with all of your sentiments!!!

AMJ said...

Actually oh Darling Dear Sister of mine, I have heard your schtick before and I have never disagreed. In fact you are pretty right on. And in fact Christmas was not sold into commercialism until Hollywood (a.k.a The Jews) started making all those Christmas movies. How ironic huh? I think White Christmas was the kick off if I am correct. So why don't we as observant Jews celebrate the day? Well we are not Pagan or Christian. It doesn not represent anything to do with Judaism, so why do it? Also, I think the Pagans hated the Jews too, my husband would blast my inaccuracies to read this, but I can't keep my facts straight! Anyway, in the end with all the high holidays and channukah no sane religious Jew has the energy to jump into another holiday! So party on Dude! You will not hear me complain. And by the way I still watch White Christmas and A Muppets Christmas Carol. Two of my all time favorite movies!

T-girl said...

I agree with your sentiment. It is a family holiday, however it is religious for most, some with out even realising it.

However some of your facts are a bit off. The Christians adapted holidays as a way to convert "Pagans", which is a broad term grouping various non-Christian beliefs btw(although in current ideology it is a form of Wicca basically), into "the light" not because it sounded fun. LOL The early leaders were smart men really, it made it easier for pagan religions to convert over- they basically said, "fine if we can celebrate our holidays then fine if it will make you go away we will be "Chriatians." LOL

AMJ- they did not "hate" Jews, during Roman occupation it was more of a way to keep order but if you look at the convertion of the Roman Empire into Christianity (after they feed so many of them to the lions! LOL) it is not about hate but who is "right" in their ideology more or less- it was a very turbulent time and the Cesar was trying to calm the rebellion so not to lose his Empire and most were converting to Christianity (even his own mother)... it was really the end. At the time Christianity was a sect of Judism- remeber Jesus was an extreemly proud Jew! Once the Empire fell a formal adaptation was lost in the west for many years. Anyways,the Pagans did not "hate" as much as want everyone to shut up all ready and go the hell away... they were trying to perserve their way of life not to meantion trying to still cope with years of harsh rules and living under the Empire!! LOL

Anyways, both Christians and Jews have taken a very hardlined stance on the correct path creating MUCH tension for 1000's of years. When you add in Islam, a religion based off of Christianity, and the crusades you can see actually where most of our issues in current World politics come from. Personally I think of Christianity as the Protostant Revolution of Judism. LOL

Sorry I got long winded and probably make as much sense as mud but it makes sense in my peabrain! LOL

Sea Angels said...

What a great shame that the job is not up for grabs, because I think you would make a great dictator, so here is my vote.....just let me know when it's needed
Lynn xxx