Friday, January 23, 2009

From Huh To Duh?

I have been informed that my blog is pretty good (thumbs up to me!), except that I am to opinionated (um, okay?). Guess what? No shit. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to see that I swing to the liberal side, with a few conservative points just to keep me interesting. I have boring hobbies and 2 kids at home, leaving me little time to be cool. I spend my days doing laundry, grocery shopping, and dreaming of a warm island, lawn chair, and drink of my choice. And to prove I am borng, my drink of choice is Coke-with caffeine no less!!! So what do I say to those who think I am to opinionated? When I was called a liberal dike by some asshole, I took it as a compliment. I read a bumper sticker that, although I can't remember it verbatim, essentially said that boring women never make history. Long live bitches!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your blog. Just like my blog, it helps me keep up with what you and your life!

Keep it up. Who cares what other people think.