Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Dream Factory

Last Saturday, I saw a movie. This is noteworthy as it is only the third time this year that A) I saw something that came out this year, and/or B) didn't involve a cartoon character. Now the movie was only "Wild Hogs" with John Travolta, Tim Allen, William H. Macy, and Martin Lawrence. This was not high brow stuff designed to make me think. It was okay. However, it did get me thinking about the worst movie I ever saw.
I hope I don't offend anyone, sort of, but has anyone really watched "Thelma and Louise"? The springboard for Mr. Brad Pitt, the only redeeming quality of this movie was him. Two women avoid rape by finally asserting themselves (I like that part) and then to really show they mean it, they kill the guy. Um, why? They were already safe. And then to really add to this lovely plot, rather than face the music, with probably getting off in self defense, they avoid all law enforcement and finally kill themselves driving over a cliff. Okay, I am not noted for being the quickest lightbulb in the pack, but the light is ON. And when I would overhear women saying "I want my daughter to be strong like Thelma and Louise", I would get sick. You want your daughter to be so wimpy they feel forced to kill a guy and rather than face the responsibility of their actions you want your daughters to kill themselves? Dream big, sister. That's like me telling my son to be like the guy in "Supersize Me". Be dumb enough to eat nothing but fast food for a month and them wonder why your pants don't fit, your cholestral is up, and you feel like crap. Go forth son and be a moron.
Hollywood is about bucks, as in money not deer, and so when we go looking for role models, I don't usually shop there. But even Hollywood has produced characters, sometimes with the help of history, that measure up to my standards. "Mulan" may be just a cartoon but she has more substance and self-possesion then Thelma and Louise put together. And even Adam Sandler in "The Wedding Singer" was a smarter guy than Mr. Supersize Me. Adam helped the under-represented kids at the Bar Mitzvah. Remember, the disclaimer-Hollywood isn't always the place to find hereos. Plus, I hear the new movie with Cate Blanchett is good. I won't go see it-to long-but if you want a strong female role model Queen Elizabeth I is tops!!! She is a great person to investigate more period.
If you are looking for a good movie this weekend, I suggest anything from the X-men series. Lots of action, little sex, and a group of people working together towards humanity. And there is always football. Go Ducks!!!!

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