Sunday, August 10, 2008

Not Fun-But Current

A lot of people read this so I am leaving a quick message about baby "Thor". I have been VERY anti-social and have not called anyone back. I am sure it is hormones-I hope it means I am getting ready to sit on the couch with a screaming baby and not feel like going out while I schlepp a newborn. But who knows.
Anyway, it is Aug. 10, 2008, 6:22p, Pacific Standard Time and NO BABY!!! We are making progress, slowly. And we have tried many "remedies", like exercise, water, hot bathes, etc. But either this kid is stubborn (my bet), or he is just comfortable. Considering how much he kicks me, I don't think he is comfortable. If you know of anything else to try, short of drugs or beatings, let me know!


AMJ said...

You know, perhaps this is revenge. I do recall that they had to practically drag you out with a crowbar the way mom tells it, of course I wasn't actually there to witness the event. But mom always did say you should have one JUST LIKE YOU!!!! :) Should have been a perfect little girl like me! :p

Anonymous said...

Try pushing real hard.