Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Rules For Chillin' With My Babies

People are so nice. Or at least they are nicer than me. When people watch my kids, they always ask me about special food they like, what tv shows are appriorate, am I okay with certain activities,etc.,etc. Me-I live in a fog. If your kid can't do what my kid can...oops, to late. They all got to watch Sponge Bob! It isn't that I don't care, I just DON"T think of it.
However, since enough people brought it up, I have decided to let everyone know what the rules are for hanging with my kids. Reader beware-you will be held to these standards.

1. Please respect my kids. At this age, Super Hero's rule. Later, it may be their art. Still later, they may like horrible music. Whatever it is that they hold special, please don't ridicule them.
2. Please don't give my kids meth as a snack. Okay most people know that, but seriously, as long as you try to give them something healthy, I am okay with that.
3. Please don't let my kids play in traffic or give them sharp things to play with. You can't possible baby-proof your home of every single danger; Asa has bruises from running into the wall. Just hide the scissors and don't play in the street.
4. Please don't hit my kids. Hey, one cries all the time because he is 3 and one cries all the time because he is a baby-my kids drive me nuts sometimes. If you have to put them in a room and give yourself 10 minutes peace, I understand that. But save anything worse for the pillows.

Um, okay, that covers it. It sounds simple because it is. One day of sugary snacks will not scar them for life, and neither will a day of sitting in front of the boob tube. Besides, seeing that other households do things differently than us is really good for them. The best way for my kid to discover "diversity" is to see it up close and personal and if they have to say grace at the Jones', or get to have Super Sugar Fruit Snacks at the Smiths', it shows them that different people do diffferent things. Besides, the truth is, there is nothing you can do to my kids in one day, short of violence and abuse, that I can't fix later on. If you see my kids every day, that is another story. But few people do so, no worries. Now who's ready to babysit?!?!?!?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You nicely summed up the issue. I would add that this doesn’t exactly concenplate often. xD Anyway, good post…