Friday, May 04, 2007

Okay, I have tried to put it out of my mind but apparently I am scarred for life. I did a very scary thing last Saturday and the unfortnate thing is one day I will have to do it again. I went shopping for pants. I have never had a problem with this before and I don't know if I am getting old or what but $70 for something that defies gravity and rides up my butt doesn't cut it for me. The others made me look like a stereotypical plummer, riding down so I was close to showing crack. I didn't even pull those pair off the rack-if I had a spare $70 I'd be in the bookstore sniffing Mark Twain like an addict. But why are those the major options-way up or way down? So I looked at the cheaper pairs, and saw lots of stuff someone's grandmother would wear with relish. Why is there no inbetween? I am not asking for world peace or equality for all. I just want a nice looking pair of pants that I am not embarassed to be seen in! In the end I settled. After going through every store I could think of (and wasting a rare nice day in the mall) I got a few decent pairs of pants for just a little too much money. I won't get looks from cute boys, but my husband won't look like he found me on a street corner. I guess that is the best I can hope for. But now I know why I see girls walking around in what look like pajama bottoms-that is probably what they are! At a third of the cost jammies don't threaten to fall down during an inopportune sneeze or help hold my boobs up with stiff waist band. Add this to the list of things that will change if I ever become supreme leader of Earth-pants for all!


T-girl said...

I just want an outfit that my kids won't strip off with relish at ever given opportunity! I think THAT would be tops, I would gladly show my ass crack all over for that one thing!

Katie said...

I never quite get the styles these days at know me...but *gasp* I did buy some pants that I think might be stylish, and still fit just right...although, probably by now, they are OUT of style and I'll be behind for another 10 years wearing these ones now...oh bother.

Anonymous said...

Guys have it easy: Levi's.

AMJ said...

Oh Sister, Sister!!! I have been waiting many years for you to have the jean dilema! Although my issues were not necessarily hughippers VS. butcrack viewing, still I went through years of agony trying to find just one decent pair of jeans that fit right. While you just laughed and decided whether or not you liked your easy to find jeans. Now that I wear skirts, problem solved. For the first time I can just pick out my size and decide if I like the style or not and not have to agonize whether or not it fits in all the right places. Aaaahhhh revenge is mine Ah ha ha ha!!!! You now must face the curse of ill fitting jeans!!!! Ah ha ha ah ha(evil laugh!)

Your sister