Friday, June 13, 2008

Another Turn On The Ole' Merry-Go-Round

Once upon a time, I thought I had an idea about Parenting. Not that I was an expert mind you, but I have been working with kids of all ages since I was 16. I had some ideas. Note the word "had". Asa was born and the learning curve, curved even further.
So, once upon a time, I had an idea about what it was like to have baby number 2. It must be easier, since you made it through the first one. And really, how many different ways are there to be pregnant? If you got morning sickness the first time around, then you will probably have it the second time around. Right?
Ignorance is not only bliss, but stupid too.
I won't whine about being pregnant-I got myself knocked up and no one cares about the heartburn I have but me. It is enough to say that reguritating acid is not fun. However, I look at other babies and I think "Oh crap, we will have one of those soon".
Seriously, it is like the biggest brain fart of my life. How did I get Asa to take a bottle? When did he sleep through the night? How did he learn to walk? What did we do when he went through the teething stage? You forget all of it, or at least I have. And I totally feel like a first time mom again, except this time I am prepared for being clueless.
I suppose we will do what we did with Asa-muddle through, love baby number 2 as much as we can, and hope he doesn't have to much to tell his therapist.
But for all of you under the impression that as a second time mom I am prepared, you would be delusional.

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