Thursday, June 26, 2008

Survival of the Starved

It took me awhile to figure this out. I am not a scientist by nature. But I finally figured out why some animals eat their young-they are friggin' hungry!!!
I have no plans yesterday, so I make pancakes for Asa and I. Not a culinary masterpiece-just add water and heat the stovetop. But these suckers do have to cook and being the good mom I am, I make Asa a pancake first, and then one for myself. I sit to eat mine and his is not only gone but he is looking at my pancake like a veliciraptor from "Jurassic Park". Where is the pancake I just made him?!?! I guess I should take the fact that he inhaled his pancake as a compliment since I am not the world's best cook but I made him wait for his seconds till I had first's. Honestly-I am eating for two and his stomach is the size of his fist-smaller than an apple. Mommy needs to eat. Of course we go through the same scenario for the second pancake too. I make him one, thinking he isn't so hungry now and that will slow him down so I can get a second one without his pathetic look on me. Nope-I get back to the table and he is again, eyeing my pancake like we are on a desert island and I have the last coconut. If all animal babies are this demanding for food, it is not wonder their parents feel the need to eat them-so they get a bite to eat!
If animal babies aren't eaten from sheer hunger, they get eaten to shut them up. I love Asa, but all I heard all day long was "what are you doing mommy", "what are you doing mommy", "what are you doing mommy", etc. etc. etc. I usually reply "losing my last nerve", but since sarcasim is not present at this age, not only does Asa NOT get it but he doesn't even think it is funny. But then daddy came home and I got 15 minutes to myself in the shower- a luxury I rate higher than dinner and movie right now.
For the record, I do not feel the need to eat my young. But I no longer wonder why wild animals do.

1 comment:

AMJ said...

Ha, Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! ROFL Just wait until there are two!

Your loving sister!