Friday, June 20, 2008

Go, James Bond, Go

Anybody ever seen the cartoon "Go, Diego, Go"? Granted it is designed for a 2 year old, and I have no problems with the appropriateness of its content, but can I tell you how much that cartoon is starting to grate on my nerves?
This kid is suppose to be about 8 years old, I think, and yet he can drive anything, fly anything, and go anywhere in the jungle. Okay, remind myself this is just a cartoon. After all, he can talk with the animals-I can't expect this to be a documentary from the Discovery Channel. But then he pushes a circle on his coat, and it is a life jacket. Push another circle and we have a safety vest. Yet another circle (actually, I think he just keeps pushing the same circle) and we have a heavy winter coat. I haven't even touched on Diego's backpack, which can turn into ANYTHING he needs. Tent for sand storm? Boat for rapids? Board for mudslides? He has it covered. James Bond would be so jealous he would shake his maritini himself.
I don't watch cartoons to get a sense of what the world is like outside my window. I realize that yellow sponges aren't fry cooks, mermaids don't exist let alone sing, and carrots are not always the favorite food of rabbits. Oh, and regardless of whether you are a coyote or not, you fall of that cliff you will do more than let out a little puff of dust. But these characters were already doing things that you don't except animals, or make believe things, to do anyway. A little boy running around with capabilities most 40 year olds can only dream of, is starting to get to me.
So we will continue to watch Mr. Diego, although some of us in the room pay more attention than others. And I will encourage Asa to watch something else-like the realistic coyote riding a bomb into the dirt.

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