Sunday, April 05, 2009

Is This Love or Annoyance?

The other day, with the warmth of the sun on my back, I just sat and gazed at my beautiful baby boy. Noah just lights up when he sees me and there is so much trust and love in his face it just makes my heart sing. He looks at me like I am queen of the world, and as I coo'd and awe'd at him, I just couldn't imagine ever being angry at him.
Then his 3 year old brother walked by and I am yelling "Asa, get finger out of your brother's nose! Asa, why did you poke Noah in the eye?! Asa, did you toot or poop?"
Oh yeah, sweet little babies turn into stinky little boys. I love both my sons with all my heart but the singing heart stuff doesn't happen everyday.


Katie said...

I'm so happy you have those singing heart days...I love how you put that...and then the record gets pulled off of the player...riiiiiiip. Ah well, thank goodness for those moments, huh!

AMJ said...

Oh so true! thanks for the laugh! We call the singing heart days survival skills!