Monday, June 25, 2007

2 months of blogging

So two months or into this blogging and I think I am liking it. In an egotistical way, I think of myself as a writer more now. True, no money in it, and I am not listing it as an occupation, but still, I sit and think about what I want to write so that counts for something, right? I have discovered what I love more is reading what other's wrote. Maybe it is because I am nosy by nature, or that I love knowing how my friends are doing, but keeping tabs on other people makes me feel like we are close, even if physically we are far away.
Slow that I am, it still amazes me that we do all this with computers. Let me get out my corn-cob pipe and talk about "the good olds"- I still remember the first time I saw the internet. Aaron and Dave were Computer Science majors, and over one night to bash Rush Limbaugh, Aaraon insisted I needed to see this new thing that everyone would soon be getting into. I believe he said it would revolutionize computer use. Forward thinker that I was, all I could say was "Who would want to shop like that"? So much for my ESP. But Aaraon was right and here I am using the internet to chat, look up information, and just generally waste time. Computers will never replace human contact, but thanks to the magic of technology, I am keeping in touch with people miles and miles and miles and miles away.
So after two or so months of doing this blogging thing, I realized what the name of my blog should be and am changing it yet again.
What it means: Mrs. Kravitz was the nosy neighbor on the old tv series "Bewitched". At one of my old jobs, anytime I needed to pass on info. none of my business, I would call for a Mrs. Kravitz moment. Beleive me, a lot of my blog stuff is not important stuff.
Sweet and Sour is part of my philosophy of life. People always want to re-live a time in their life-high school, college, when they were first married, their children were young, they were young, etc. But few times in our life are all happy, or all sad for that matter. Even in my darkest days, I have some good memories. So that is what life is constantly like for me-a mix of sweet and sour. (Remember, I hate winter, but love Christmas.)
I feel that the name of the blog reflects my personality and not some pre-made expressions created by others.

1 comment:

Katie said...

I like're right, it fits.